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IDO Date: April 17, 2024

Listing Date: April 24, 2024

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Q: The suspense regarding the unveiling of the project’s name is intense. Do you want to give us any hints?

We’d love to but we’ve already seen copycats pop up today so we have to be really careful with the reveal. We don't want anyone to get scammed.

That said, you’ll be seeing more of his front-side in the days to come. Maybe even today ;) Just not his full face.

What I can tell you is the character is a male. He’s got a cool name. If you like the vibe of Rick & Morty, South Park, Family guy etc… You’ll be very happy 🙂

Q: Talk us through the team members.

We're a team of 3.

I'm an award-winning Creative Director and I've developed content and new intellectual property for brands such as the NBA and YouTube.

Andy is partner in a global entertainment agency with clients including Twitch, HBO and Apple Music.

Nathan is an experienced meme developer whose latest project did a 54x ATH.

Q: Besides seeking global crypto acceptance, please unpack for our community what this project specifically aims to achieve?

In a nutshell, our goal is to go further in terms of IP quality and content than other meme to date. We're working with top illustrators, animators, and an Unreal Engine development studio.

We've also teamed up with an artist who has over 100 million streams to create our theme song.

Our longer-term goals include developing scripted content and games, but we want to make sure everything is well-developed before we announce it. So, we're moving carefully and will share updates when we're ready. We also want to build alongside our community so we can't set everything in stone at this early stage. We'd hate to overpromise and underdeliver. Actually we'd love to do the opposite - underpromise and overdeliver.

It’s also worth adding that we want this character to appeal to both WEB3 enthusiasts and regular people. We’re here for the long-run…